We get it: most men aren’t thrilled about going to the dermatologist.

But who doesn’t want to look younger and feel better about their skin?

Looking great is just one benefit of seeing your dermatologist regularly. Men, if you haven’t already, it’s time to schedule your annual skin checkup. Here’s what it’ll do for you.

The #1 Benefit? Catch Skin Cancer Early

If for no other reason, you need to visit your dermatologist yearly for a skin cancer check. Maybe you don’t care so much about how young (or not) you look, but skin cancer is something you can’t ignore.

If you’ve had skin cancers in the past, get a checkup every six months. If you’ve been diagnosed with melanoma or precancers, visit every three months.

If you’ve never had skin cancer, visit once a year. Think of it like going to the dentist every six months — we do it even when we don’t have a problem. Why visit annually? Prevention and early detection are our best weapons against skin cancer. Prevention happens every time you wear sunscreen. Apply it daily.

What If You Don’t Go?

Early detection happens at regular dermatologist appointments. If you go less often (like every two or three years), undetected skin cancer can become problematic before you even know you have it. It’ll grow larger, get in the way of function (especially if it’s close to the mouth or eye), and if they need to remove it, they’ll have to take more skin away. Catching cancer early makes it much easier to deal with — medically and cosmetically.

Look Younger, Feel Better

Not every visit to the dermatologist has to revolve around skin cancer. Yes, they’ll always check you for suspicious spots, but they can also help you figure out how to deal with frustrating skin issues.

Start by looking at yourself in the mirror. What bothers you? What do you want to improve?

Once we know your goal, we can help you come up with a plan to address that particular problem. Here are just a few ways your dermatologist may be able to help.

1. If You Have Wrinkles…

If your wrinkles have become more noticeable, we have several treatment options. The best option depends on where and how deep the lines are.


For lines and wrinkles on the top half of your face (around the eyes, forehead, or between eyebrows), Botox works best because it works with the muscle. Botox relaxes the muscles that are contracting and creating those lines.


Fillers work better on the lower part of the face (from the nose down). These wrinkles usually result from indentations. Filler materials are injected into the hollow areas so your skin returns to an even surface.

2. If You Don’t Like Your Skin Texture…

If you have large pores or your skin doesn’t look smooth, you need treatments that address the skin’s surface.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels remove the outer layers of skin. They cause rapid exfoliation so that damaged skin is replaced with new, revitalized skin.


Lasers are a more aggressive way to generate skin cell turnover. Different laser treatments allow dermatologists to address a wide variety of skin issues by targeting skin cell turnover and collagen production at various depths in the skin.

3. If You Have Brown Spots…

Nothing will work on brown spots without sunscreen. Once you start using sunscreen daily, you can try one of these two options to treat the spots you already have.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels help erase brown spots while improving your skin’s texture. But if you’re not using sunscreen daily, the spots will continue to return.

Bleaching Gels

Bleaching gels are an at-home option for helping brown spots fade. Again, bleaching will only be effective when combined with regular sunscreen application.

4. If You Have Visible Blood Vessels…

Conditions like rosacea cause blood vessels to become more visible at the surface of the skin. We treat these with a low current of electricity called a hyfrecator.


This tool, used to cauterize during surgeries, can be used on a low setting to cauterize the blood vessels so they become less noticeable.

5. If You Need Skincare Advice…

If you’re having trouble finding a good skincare regimen, a dermatologist can help with that too. Better skin doesn’t always have to come with a major treatment. Something as simple as routine skincare can improve your skin significantly.

Visiting the dermatologist isn’t worth avoiding. Investing just a few hours a year has a massive impact on your skin. Whether you’re ready to erase your lines, blood vessels, and brown spots, or you just want to make sure you’re still cancer-free, visit your dermatologist. It just takes a little intentionality to look younger, feel better, and keep your skin healthy for years to come!