As time moves on, that sagging, loose skin under the eye becomes more pronounced. For many, this harsh reality greets them each morning no matter how rested they feel. So why do lines keep getting worse and what can fix those baggy-looking eyes?
What Causes Bags Under Your Eyes?
Why do under-eye bags gradually worsen over time? Believe it or not, it’s a matter of losing fat. As we age, our faces thin out. Early on in this process the fat disappears from under our eyes. When this happens, the skin appears looser and saggier simply because there isn’t as much fat underneath to fill it out.
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Treatment Options
There are two procedures that can help with loose under-eye skin. First, tighten what is saggy, then fill the area underneath the skin back up.
Tighten Skin
The first step, and only step for some, is tightening the skin. By tightening under-eye skin, you eliminate most of the problem. Many patients need nothing else; tighten the skin and you’re good to go. In fact, you are often good to go rather quickly. This “lunch-time procedure” uses a process of applying heat to the under eye area and doesn’t damage the overlying skin. You can walk out the door afterwards and your eyes will only look better!
Many people wonder how heat can help tighten their skin. If you cook, think of it like grilling a piece of meat. What happens when you put a chicken breast on the grill? It shrinks. When we add heat to the skin, it contracts the under-eye tissue in a similar way.
The procedure we use for tightening is Pellevé, a radio frequency heating device. You’ll notice an improvement right away, and even one treatment results in long-term improvements. If you repeat the procedure, the results last even longer.
Add Filler
The second option for treating bags under your eyes is to add filler. Filler adds volume and can make eyes look fuller. If you start with skin tightening and then add filler, you’ll give your eyes a more natural look.
Making your eyes look as great as ever, or even better, is both simple and affordable. Pellevé acts as a great first course of treatment because it doesn’t cause you any downtime and it works on virtually everybody. With a treatment this easy, younger-looking eyes are just a lunch-break away.

Dr. R. Todd Plott is a board-certified dermatologist in Coppell, Keller, and Saginaw, TX. His specialization and professional interests include treating patients suffering with acne, identifying and solving complex skin conditions such as psoriasis, rosacea, atopic dermatitis, and identifying and treating all types of skin cancers. In his spare time, Dr. Plott enjoys cycling, traveling with his wife, and spending time with his children and new grandson.
Learn more about Dr. Plott.