Ever seen someone with remarkably flawless skin? It’s almost as if their face is made of porcelain rather than the normal porous skin that covers the rest of us. Usually, either these people are pros at applying make-up , or they just have smaller pores. Once you know how to make your pores smaller, a smooth, flawless face isn’t as unattainable as you think.
So we all have pores, but why? And why do some pores show up so noticeably?
Pores are the w...
Back in the age of fairy tales, people blamed warts on frogs and witches. After all, both frogs and witches have warts, so wouldn’t they spread them to anyone they touched?
Turns out the logic of fairy tales wasn’t too far off. Warts are simple: people get them from touching other people with warts.
These non-cancerous skin growths appear when a virus infects the top layer of skin. And although they aren’t dangerous, they are contagious. If you g...
It’s hard to make a change. But how long have you been following skin care advice based on myths? The more you learn about face skin care, the more you’ll see it’s time to change a few things.
Maybe you’ve been stressing out about how food makes your face break out. Or perhaps you’ve been spending too much on products that aren’t worth the money.
Check out these skin care myths to see if you’ve bought into them.
Top Skin Care Myths
1. Exp...
Few skin problems are more maddening than a painful pimple. You feel it under your skin, you itch to pop it, and it seems to enter the room before you do. Even under a heavy layer of makeup, it feels like there’s no hiding it.
So how should you deal with those protruding nuisances? Step one, don’t do what you’re most likely to try.
Don’t Try To Pop It!
Did you know you can scar from popping a pimple? Plus, you’re not doing anything to help ...
The way you wash your face (and the products you choose) isn’t hard, but you need to be intentional. So why are you washing your face? Once you have your answer, choose the right products and follow a routine that gets the job done.
If You’re Washing to Remove Makeup
Use a waterless cleanser such as a Cetaphil or Cerave cleanser. These can be used without water as they dissolve makeup from the face and eyes.
After you use it, rinse your face with...
Remember when your skin had a glow? Back in the day, your natural look included a vibrant complexion with a shine that kept you looking young. Now, you’re feeling a little dull.
Why Did You Lose Your Glow?
As you age, skin damage catches up with you. Maybe back in your 20s-30s you were out in the sun a lot, not thinking as much about the effects of tanning. Now, years later, your skin has lost its shine and can even appear dusty. You want that cream...
Dealing with melasma is tough. This hormone-related pigmentation on your forehead, cheeks, and chin is cosmetically frustrating, and stays the course. These areas don’t get blotchy as they darken, but they look different than the rest of your skin tone. Plus, they’re hard to cover up with makeup and can be distracting.
The Trigger
Typically, women notice the onset of melasma with a change in hormones. Birth control, pregnancy, or hormone treatment...
Acne can make a student’s life miserable. Not only do they hate the red bumps that pop up faster than they can count, but they face the world thinking that others can’t see beyond their pimples.
With acne comes the issues of bullying and poor self-esteem. Most of the students we treat for acne have a negative outlook on life. Why? They’re constantly worried about how noticeable their acne is to others and feel judged because of it. In a stage th...
Have you ever seen someone with undeniably great skin? Maybe you’ve even thought, “I wish I was lucky enough to have such a flawless complexion.” Although heredity certainly plays a role in skin condition, great skin takes diligence and discipline. And even a few bad habits can keep that beautiful complexion out of reach.
1. Obesity
We often hear about obesity leading to heart disease, but we sometimes forget that it also negatively affects our ...
You’re enjoying the outdoors and staying in the water (because we all know that’s the only way to stay cool in the summer heat!) but before you know it, you’ve burned.
Maybe you missed an area when you applied your sunscreen. Maybe you didn’t reapply like you know you should. Or perhaps you forgot sun protection altogether. No matter the reason you’re sporting a sunburn, the right treatment can relieve your discomfort and even reverse some ...