Choosing someone to treat your lines and wrinkles is a big decision. How do you choose one doctor over another? What questions are appropriate during your appointment?
After confirming that the dermatologist does Botox (not all do), ask these questions to find the right cosmetic treatment provider for you.
When you call, ask…
1. Is Botox a common procedure at your office?
The office you choose should have routine experience with injections. This s...
Aren’t you glad we’re out of picture season? Around the holidays, there’s a snapshot at every turn. And if you’re one of the 68% of people worried about a double chin, these pictures take work!
To hide your chins, you contort yourself below the camera and protrude your neck just right (making you feel more like a short giraffe than a top model). Or you forget to pose, only to regret your indiscretion the moment the picture pops up on social me...
We’ve all heard that melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer, but it bears repeating. This year alone, nearly 10,000 people have died because of it. Despite its prevalence, some of us tend to slough off obvious skin cancer symptoms. However, these lesser known skin cancer facts can save your life by signaling cancer early enough for treatment.
1. Skin Cancer Can Look Like Anything
If you have an unknown bump on your skin, it could be cancer. Mo...
Anti-aging products make outlandish promises. Some claim to make you “look 10 years younger overnight.” Others will “instantly tighten and lift skin.” A few even promise to be “one step to perfection.” As much as we want a quick solution, these results are too good to be true.
Although we can’t expect a skin miracle, transformation can happen. These four simple tips will help you maximize the results from your skin care products, without...
Everyone deals with acne, but very few people understand what it is and how it can be treated. This infographic from Advanced Dermatology gives a great explanation of what you can expect from different types of acne break-outs.
Whether you’re dealing with acne or the frustrating scars it leaves behind, the good news is there are treatment options. Contact us today if you’re ready to get on the road to healthier, clearer skin!
Unless we’re hitting the slopes, most of us don’t think about sun protection in the winter months. After all, we’re not usually outside for extended periods of time and we’re covered up when we are. Who gets burned when it’s cold outside?
Actually, quite a few of us.
A Sunburn in the Winter?
Winter is a dangerous time for sun damage, but most of these sunburns go unnoticed because they are often subtle. In the heat of the summer, a sunburn ...
“A yearly skin exam? Doesn’t that seem like a little much?” you (or likely, your husband) may protest. It’s not an uncommon reaction; too often people put off this visit hoping their skin issues will disappear on their own.
However, dermatologists highly recommend an annual visit for a number of reasons. Here’s why a yearly skin exam is so important and what you can expect during your visit.
Why Do I Need An Exam Every Year?
Visiting your d...
You’ve heard about Botox, but do you really know how it works? And what about Dysport, another drug that may achieve similar results? If you’re looking to rid yourself of facial wrinkles, it’s time to learn about your options.
How Do Botox and Dysport Work?
Over time, our facial muscles don’t really change, but our skin becomes thinner. As it thins, it more easily creases with muscle movement. Both Dysport and Botox prevent wrinkles because the...
Wrinkles may be a sign of wisdom, but who wants them to be their badge of intelligence?
Apparently, not many. In the US alone, people spend over $2 billion a year trying creams and serums to erase these lines. At the first glimpse of a new crease, we search for something to slather on, hoping it makes the line go away. There’s a war against time and we feel we’re losing as soon as a wrinkle appears.
The fact remains: lines don’t disappear quickl...
Natural products are the rage right now. Just Google “natural medicine” and over 85 million hits pop up.
We want to treat our bodies right, only putting things into them that promote our health rather than deteriorate it. We also want to avoid “over-medicating” and the stigma that falls alongside that term. After all, what’s there to lose if you’re using something organic?
Actually, if you’re not asking these three essential questions be...