Some people embrace turning 30 years old with a big party. Others pretend it never happened because they’re afraid to lose their youth.
Whether or not you’ve decided to make 29 last as long as possible, there are things that start to change in our skin around the age of 30.
Related: The Daily Anti-Aging Routine You Can Start Now
First, people lose collagen. This can be the result of aging, but it can also be caused by prolonged sun exposure.
Going bald, partially or completely, has long been an inescapable effect of the aging process for men.
Male pattern hair loss is the thinning of hair at the crown of the scalp, in the temple areas on each side of the head. When those two areas begin to merge, men begin to lose the hair on the top of their head.
In many cases men will develop that ring of hair with a bald spot in the middle. Of course, male pattern hair loss can vary quite a bit and pro...
You or someone you know has probably had some kind of cyst. In many cases, a person will have a cyst, not realize what it is, and then ignore it because it’s not bothering them at the moment.
But this can turn a minor issue into a larger, chronic problem.
The Most Common Type of Cyst
Different types of cysts occur in different parts of the body for different reasons, so it’s important to have a general understanding of cysts and, if you notice one ...
Did you know there are literally hundreds of different types of rashes? And the same rash can appear differently on different people. That’s why you can’t look at a rash and say, “That looks like the same one my wife has. It must have been caused by the same thing.”
Three Categories of Rashes
Rashes fall into three general categories: infectious, inflammatory, and immune system-related.
Infectious Rashes – These rashes are most commonly...
Hyperhidrosis is heavier than normal sweating that occurs in somewhat random situations. For example, someone could simply be sitting at their desk in a classroom or at work, and start to sweat. Sweating caused by hyperhidrosis often occurs on the forehead, feet or in the groin area.
Hyperhidrosis typically starts during a person’s teens and doesn’t improve until they reach their 30s so it can be very embarrassing to deal with. Whether someone is c...
What is an Autoimmune Disorder?
Autoimmune conditions occur when the body incorrectly identifies something not native to the body and creates an immune response to reject it. When the immune system works right, it keeps you healthy by fighting off intruding unhealthy organisms and even cancerous cells. But with autoimmune conditions, the body revs up your immune system to fight against its own cells, which causes a multitude of problems.
Autoimmune d...
What is Sculptra?
Sculptra Aesthetic may seem like just another dermal filler to decrease fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth and chin, but it helps to stimulate the production of collagen. Using poly-L-lactic acid, Sculptra Aesthetic addresses issues deep within the dermis as opposed to topically and aids in the restoration the skin’s inner foundation and volume.
While the results of other dermal fillers are more immediate, the results of S...
What is Scar Revision?
A scar by definition is a permanent change in skin consistency. While a scar, unfortunately, cannot be removed and is forever, we can improve its appearance with scar revision surgery.
People often want to get rid of a scar because they’re self-conscious of the way it looks. For others, scars are painful, itchy, and impair functionality. However, even with discomfort, insurance doesn’t typically cover scar removal.
With scar ...
What is Body Contouring?
Body contouring, a general term for several elective cosmetic procedures, improves the contour of the body by heating, freezing, or applying energy to targeted areas. Using non-invasive devices, we can remove fat, tone muscle, and tighten the skin to enhance the overall body contour appearance.
Where on the Body is Body Contouring Used?
Patients opt for non surgical body contouring when they want to reshape an area of the body,...
What is Cosmetic Surgery?
Cosmetic surgery refers to using surgical methods (i.e., cutting) to enhance the appearance or correct a defect. Because it isn’t deemed medically necessary, it is not covered by insurance.
People opt for different types of cosmetic surgery when issues bother them symptomatically, functionally, and/or socially. Due to the variety of options, it’s best to consult with a dermatologist to determine the right treatment pla...