What Is Melanoma?
Melanoma is the least common skin cancer, but causes the majority of skin cancer deaths.
What makes melanoma so deadly is its ability to metastasize in three different ways: through the skin, blood and lymphatics.
As opposed to basal and squamous cell carcinoma tendencies to stay localized, melanoma’s ability to spread through the blood makes it particularly dangerous.
However, melanoma is highly curable when found in the beginn...
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Reconstructive Surgery
What is Reconstructive Surgery?
Reconstruction is a broad term (often associated with plastic surgery) that refers to everything from reconstructive surgeries to cosmetic augmentations. Likewise, there is a wide range of what facial reconstruction might entail. Reconstruction after Mohs surgery can range from a small closure stitched into a wrinkle to a large flap with multiple sutures in different areas of the face.
A wide range of reconstructive opti...
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Read more about Reconstructive Surgery
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
What Is Squamous Cell Carcinoma?
The second most common skin cancer, squamous cell carcinoma forms on the outer tissue of the skin, most often around sun-exposed skin such as the face, mouth and ears.
It’s often overlooked due to its less frequent appearances as only two out of ten skin cancers are diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma. However, it’s potentially more aggressive than the most common skin cancer — basal cell carcinoma — and ge...
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Read more about Squamous Cell Carcinoma
What is Itchy Skin?
Pruritus, the medical term for itchiness, is a symptom of another condition. It is a side effect, not a separate disease. Itchy skin results from a variety of causes varying in severity, including skin growths, rashes, and systemic illnesses.
What Causes Itchy Skin?
Itching occurs for many potential reasons. The only way to effectively treat itchiness is by identifying (and treating) the underlying cause.
Potential causes of itchi...
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Topical Chemotherapy
What is Topical Chemotherapy?
Topical chemotherapy, also known as field therapy, is the use of a topical product to treat cancerous or precancerous skin lesions on a specific place or a specific geographic area of the skin (like the face, scalp, or hands). These creams or solutions are applied directly to the skin as directed by a doctor.
What Are the Common Uses of Topical Chemotherapy?
Field therapy is most commonly used to treat sun-exposed areas wi...
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What is Sclerotherapy?
Sclerotherapy is a method of removing spider veins in the legs by injecting a liquid into the vein. This liquid causes the size of the small blood vessels to swell so the blood can’t travel through it anymore. The body eventually absorbs these vessels.
While there are several different liquid compounds used for these injections, we most commonly use Asclera — a solution that effectively treats the vein and has an anesth...
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Read more about Sclerotherapy
Feminine Rejuvenation with C02 Laser
What is Feminine Rejuvenation?
Female rejuvenation, commonly referred to as vaginal rejuvenation, encompasses several procedures. In the past, physicians like plastic surgeons and even OB/GYNs used procedures including labia tightening, labiaplasty, and other surgical procedures for female rejuvenation.
Now we have less invasive, energy-based procedures available that don’t require surgery and require less downtime for recovery. These include the...
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Read more about Feminine Rejuvenation with C02 Laser
Blistering Disorders of the Skin
What is a Blistering Disorder?
Blistering disorders of the skin are different from friction or inflammation-induced blisters. Commonly, these blisters come from one of two autoimmune disorders, pemphigoid or pemphigus, that causes a blister breakout on the skin.
Pemphigus and pemphigoid are autoimmune conditions where your body produces antibodies that attach to the layers of the skin. The antibodies attach to the epidermis or sub-epidermis and create ...
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Read more about Blistering Disorders of the Skin
Cold Sores (Herpes Simplex)
What is a Cold Sore?
A cold sore is a viral infection, usually caused by the herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1). A patient’s first outbreak after contracting the virus typically produces blisters, erosions or painful sores all around and inside the mouth.
Later outbreaks of the herpes simplex virus typically produce blisters or sores in one isolated area — either around the lips or inside the mouth. These sores seem to appear with increased stress or a...
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Read more about Cold Sores (Herpes Simplex)
Pediatric Dermatology
While general dermatologists have experience and training in a range of pediatric dermatological conditions, they may refer young patients to a pediatric dermatologist for evaluation and treatment of rare, genetic, or severe conditions or those unresponsive to current therapies.
A pediatric dermatologist specializes in evaluating and treating skin disorders in infants, children, and teenagers. Beyond their education in general dermatology, pediatric de...
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Read more about Pediatric Dermatology