Seemingly out of nowhere you’ve developed a red, scaly rash. How many possible diagnoses could there be?
Literally hundreds.
The cause of red, scaly rashes are one of the trickiest issues to diagnose. In fact, the red scaly rashes in the photos below look fairly similar, but are dramatically different diagnoses ranging from fungal infections to skin cancer.
In our dermatology textbooks, it’s called papulosquamous disorder — and it’s a 20...
Do you have brown spots on your skin?
If you’re like most people, your answer is “yes.”
You either have freckles, moles, birthmarks, or a combination of all three. We don’t think much about them. They’re just a part of the state of our skin. We assume if it was cancer, it would look like it.
But do you know what skin cancer really looks like? Could you tell the difference between a freckle or skin cancer — and are you willing to...
One of the unexpected honors I’ve had as a dermatologist is the friendships I’ve built with the aestheticians and med spa professionals who refer patients to us. We love med spas — and even recommend them for certain procedures.
But, when you’re considering going to a med spa vs. dermatologist it’s important to know the difference between them.
What is A Medical Spa?
A medical spa offers treatments, products, and services targeting cosmetic ...
We all have emotions. We make expressions — that’s part of being human. We laugh, cry, frown, smile, raise our eyebrows, and crinkle our noses.
But how do we keep responding to life as any human would, and not end up with smile wrinkles and wrinkles around our eyes?
It may not be possible to avoid wrinkles altogether, but once we understand the types of wrinkles and what affects them, we can set our skin up for success.
Two Different Types of Wri...
Parenting is the art of walking a fine line. You want to be protective but not overly protective. You want your kid to be safe but also enjoy adventures in life. You want to give guidance, but you also want your child to learn to make wise decisions on their own.
Walking this fine line starts the day your baby comes home… and it applies to everything from discipline to baby skin care. Here’s an inside look at how to best care for your baby’s ski...
It’s great to have a clean house. We love the scent of fresh laundry and the shine of a clean countertop.
What’s not great? Getting a skin rash from cleaning products (or other items) you use daily.
If you’ve noticed some skin irritations, a household product may be its cause. For many of these issues, there’s a simple fix. Here’s what you need to know:
Allergic vs. Irritant Contact Dermatitis
First, figure out what kind of reaction you’re...
Acne may only be skin deep, but its effects are not.
We all like to look our best, but for teenagers, it’s even more important. In an age where pictures travel fast and haunt us forever (thanks, social media), breakouts often get in the way of teens putting their best face forward.
So teens should just wash their face regularly, right?
Of course… but teen skin care isn’t always that easy. Unfortunately, over-the-counter skin care products often a...
Sometimes “not feeling well” seems worse than being “sick in bed.” When you have a mild cold, you still have to function in your job and home life. When you have the flu, however, you take days off and rest.
Inverse psoriasis is the “not feeling well” of psoriasis.
It’s not so bad that you have to stop living your regular life, but it’s really uncomfortable. Most of the time, you can hide your skin rash, but you never stop feeling it. ...
You already know you’re supposed to wear sunscreen every day. And even if you’re not applying it separately, many cosmetic companies are adding it to your foundation and moisturizer, making it much easier to work sunscreen into your routine.
But what about sunburned lips? Is sunscreen for lips really necessary or can our lips handle sun exposure better than the rest of our skin?
Can Lips Really Get Sunburned?
Lips seem to behave a little different...
Are your cosmetics bothering your sensitive skin? Maybe your eyes have started itching or you’ve noticed a burning sensation on your face. Maybe your skin feels perpetually dry.
Could the products you’re using to “help” your skin actually be making it worse?
If you have sensitive skin, your skin may not be able to handle every product you’re applying. If a product is irritating your skin, one of these ingredients is likely the cul...