Ever noticed how celebrities seems to have such perfect skin?
It’s easy to be jealous, but in truth it’s mostly an airbrushed Photoshop job. Guys get five o’clock shadows and hair in their nose. Girls end up with blemishes and rogue hairs too. And we all have a sun spot somewhere.
People are not as perfect as they appear.
Celebrities Have Skin Problems Too
Remember, celebrities are people — and they have skin problems like everyone else. A lot ...
Have you noticed that your eyes look tired as you get ready in the morning, even though you’re well-rested?
When you head to the office, do your colleagues only reaffirm what you were seeing?
“Are you tired? You look really tired. Are you feeling okay?” they ask.
Sure, their intentions might be good, but you’re not tired! So what’s making you seem that way?
It’s that crepey (not creepy!) skin under your eyes. The loose skin under your...
Spider veins can creep up on anyone. For some, these veins are a hereditary problem where your valves aren’t working effectively. But for the rest of us, spider veins aren’t dangerous — they’re just unsightly.
While you can’t entirely prevent spider veins on your face and legs – they don’t occur without a genetic predisposition – you can take steps to decrease their appearance.
What Causes Spider Veins on the Face?
Sun Damage
Psoriasis or eczema – which one do you have?
One things for sure: either way, you’re dealing with uncomfortable, unsightly, and itchy skin you’re ready to get rid of.
What’s The Difference Between Eczema and Psoriasis?
It can be easy to confuse eczema and psoriasis, but with a little more information about the location of the affected area and what it looks like, you’ll be able to tell the difference. And more importantly, you’ll be abl...
Summer time is over. You’ve enjoyed your time outside — days at the lake, relaxing by the pool, enjoying the park. But even though you used sunscreen, your skin has still suffered from some damage. As your skin got a little darker, so did your age spots and melasma. So what can you do about those spots?
1. Figure Out the Cause
To figure out the best hyperpigmentation treatment for your skin, you first have to know what’s causing the dark spo...
If you’re considering trying a chemical peel, you’ve probably heard at least one horror story about a long recovery, extreme redness, embarrassment of going in public, or worse.
But you’ve also probably seen beautiful results from a chemical peel. Brown spots disappear, the skin color is more even, and people seem to take years off their skin.
So, are chemical peels worth the risk?
Before you make a decision, you need all the facts. Here̵...
How often do you avoid shaking hands with people? Do you ever drip sweat on your computer or have to stop writing because you can’t hold on to the pen?
People who suffer from hyperhidrosis deal with these issues and many more because they just can’t stop sweating. Everything from holding hands to hugging their children to buttoning clothes becomes an issue. This is more than clammy palms. This is socially devastating.
If you’re dealing with sweat...
Have you ever had those pesky dark spots on your nose that seem obvious to everyone?
Once we notice clogged pores on our nose or anywhere else, our first instinct is to get that gunk out. But wait! Before you pick and push, you’ve got to know what you’re dealing with and what will make them disappear.
What Are Clogged Pores?
Clogged pores on the face show up as little dark spots. Pores produce oil, and sometimes that oil gets stuck around th...
Wouldn’t it be great if you could make a simple change in your diet to get clear skin? What if you could just switch from Coke to water to get the complexion you’ve been hoping for?
Unfortunately, when patients ask, “Does soda cause acne?”, we don’t have an easy answer.
Is There a Link Between Diet and Acne?
Will soda cause acne? Technically, no. There’s not a clear link between diet and acne, but many people disagree. Some people find t...
Sweating can be embarrassing. And if you suffer from excessive sweating, it seems to happen at the worst times. Just as you start thinking, “I hope I don’t start sweating!”, it’s like a mechanism in your body switches on and you start sweating
for no reason.
So how do you know if you’re dealing with a medical condition or just suffering from a typical Dallas summer? Texas heat is no joke!
Is My Sweating Normal?
If you’re sweat...