Isn’t acne something only teenagers should have?
As you trudged through adolescence, you figured acne would exit as you entered adulthood. Now, it’s been a while since graduation, but those embarrassing pimples haven’t moved on. You keep thinking, “Maybe next year, I’ll age out of my acne.”
You’re not a kid anymore, so why should you have to deal with this? You shouldn’t — but you’re not the only one who is.
Many adults, particul...
Anyone who has really struggled with acne knows the frustration pimples bring. For some, it seems that no matter how much they wash their face, they just can’t make the bumps go away.
But, what’s worse than those glaring red pimples? The blemishes they leave behind. Thankfully, because of acne scar treatment, there’s no need to let acne scars cause any more frustration.
Acne Marks vs. Acne Scars
Most pimples leave behind evidence. Our hope is tha...
Swimsuit season brings a new wave of embarrassment for those with bacne. No one wants back acne, but at least at other times of the year, you can hide it. But, in the heat of the summer, what do you do?
It’s time to treat it. And to treat it effectively, we need to first understand why it’s there.
How Back Acne Is Different
Back acne is more severe than acne in other areas. Usually, it has bigger inflammatory regions because there’s just...
Wouldn’t it be great if you could make a simple change in your diet to get clear skin? What if you could just switch from Coke to water to get the complexion you’ve been hoping for?
Unfortunately, when patients ask, “Does soda cause acne?”, we don’t have an easy answer.
Is There a Link Between Diet and Acne?
Will soda cause acne? Technically, no. There’s not a clear link between diet and acne, but many people disagree. Some people find t...
Fact: No one wants a blackhead. When they rear their ugly heads, we’re ready to do whatever it takes to make them disappear. But in our efforts to pick, prod, and push them away, we can destroy our skin. So, if you’re plagued with these unsightly bumps, learn how we recommend to get rid of blackheads without making the problem worse in the long run.
What Is a Blackhead?
A blackhead (technically named an open comedo) shows up when a plug of oil bloc...
Few skin problems are more maddening than a painful pimple. You feel it under your skin, you itch to pop it, and it seems to enter the room before you do. Even under a heavy layer of makeup, it feels like there’s no hiding it.
So how should you deal with those protruding nuisances? Step one, don’t do what you’re most likely to try.
Don’t Try To Pop It!
Did you know you can scar from popping a pimple? Plus, you’re not doing anything to help ...
Acne can make a student’s life miserable. Not only do they hate the red bumps that pop up faster than they can count, but they face the world thinking that others can’t see beyond their pimples.
With acne comes the issues of bullying and poor self-esteem. Most of the students we treat for acne have a negative outlook on life. Why? They’re constantly worried about how noticeable their acne is to others and feel judged because of it. In a stage th...
Everyone deals with acne, but very few people understand what it is and how it can be treated. This infographic from Advanced Dermatology gives a great explanation of what you can expect from different types of acne break-outs.
Whether you’re dealing with acne or the frustrating scars it leaves behind, the good news is there are treatment options. Contact us today if you’re ready to get on the road to healthier, clearer skin!
Did you know that acne can be an indicator of whether you’re having a boy or a girl? Well, maybe not a fool-proof way, but at least it’s an entertaining way to guess the sex of the baby.
If you’re expecting a boy baby, it makes sense in late pregnancy for the acne to worsen. At this point, a boy begins to make testosterone that drives the oil glands to secrete more oil on the mom’s face. Then, the follicles get clogged up and here come the brea...
Acne can have a big impact on your life, which is why we take acne treatment very seriously and use aggressive treatment plans when necessary. Our staff is passionate about treating acne to prevent the emotional and physical scars that can last a lifetime.
Acne affects both men and women, teenagers and adults—all of whom can have different reasons for their condition. If left untreated, acne often causes scarring and discoloration, impacts self-estee...