Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) Causes
Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a dry, itchy and scaly red rash that affects 30 million American adults and children. Eczema is sometimes known as the itch that rashes because the itch often precedes the rash on the skin. The early forms of the condition typically presents in children before the age of 3, but eczema can continue through adolescence and into adulthood.
Typically one must be born with the genes that ...
Poison ivy refers to a class of plants that produce urushiol, an oil known to cause an allergic reaction. While not everyone is allergic to this oil, some people are highly allergic to urushiol and develop a contact rash when they’re exposed to it.
Poison ivy plants have a grouping of three leaves (hence the saying, “Leaves of three, leave them be!”). Yet, this oil also exists on poison oak and poison sumac, which vary in appearance. While avoidi...
What is a Cyst?
A cyst is a sac that forms in the body — it can form in bones, organs, or tissues. The cysts that form in the skin are essentially a pocket that is filled with skin cells, bacteria, and/or pus. They vary dramatically in size and can be found anywhere on the body. As time goes by, more and more skin cells are trapped in the cyst causing the cyst to grow larger.
What Are the Symptoms of a Cyst?
A cyst feels like a little knot or kernel ...
What is Hyperhidrosis?
Hyperhidrosis is heavier than normal sweating that occurs in somewhat random situations. For example, someone could simply be sitting at their desk in a classroom or at work, and start to sweat. Sweating caused by hyperhidrosis often occurs on the forehead, feet or in the groin area.
Hyperhidrosis typically starts during a person’s teens and doesn’t improve until they reach their 30s so it can be very embarrassing to deal wi...
Causes of Male Pattern Hair Loss
Some people will try to explain hair loss in different ways, from washing your hair too often to using too many hair styling products to wearing a hat every day. But the cause of male pattern hair loss can typically be summed up in one word – genetics.
The cells in the parts of the scalp are programmed to begin miniaturizing the hair and make those hair follicles go away. This is usually driven by testosterone or som...
What Is A Rash?
A rash is an abnormal change in your skin’s texture or color, usually characterized by a red, scaly irritation on your skin. There are literally hundreds of different types of rashes, and the same rash can appear differently on different people.
What Causes A Rash?
Rashes fall into three general categories: infectious, inflammatory, and immune system-related.
Infectious Rashes – These rashes are most commonly bacterial, fungal...
What is a Skin Growth?
The term skin growths encompass the lumps and bumps nearly everyone finds on their skin. In fact, the reason most patients make an appointment with the dermatologist is so we can “check this spot.” Lumps and bumps are the backbone of dermatology.
While the vast majority of the skin growths are benign (not cancerous), some are malignant (cancerous). The art of dermatology is being able to tell the difference in each type of gr...
Non-Surgical Skin Cancer Treatment, SRT-100
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, one in five Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetime. Basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers must be treated. Treatments for skin cancers are best performed by dermatologists who are specially trained to select the best method of treatment. Treatments may involve a variety of surgical and non-surgical options and one option is not goin...
Have you ever had a rash that just won’t go away? You try putting medicine on it but nothing seems to cure it? You may be allergic to ingredients in your hair dye, lotion or jewelry.
Many people don’t know they have an allergy because reactions are often delayed. Although we can’t make you less allergic, we can determine what you’re allergic to so you can avoid products with those ingredients in the future.
What is patch testing?
Patch tes...
Acne can have a big impact on your life, which is why we take acne treatment very seriously and use aggressive treatment plans when necessary. Our staff is passionate about treating acne to prevent the emotional and physical scars that can last a lifetime.
Acne affects both men and women, teenagers and adults—all of whom can have different reasons for their condition. If left untreated, acne often causes scarring and discoloration, impacts self-estee...