Men, how often do you think about skin care?
Usually, not until it’s too late. Most men only think about skin care when there’s a problem, and often, that problem started with dry skin.
Why is dry skin so prevalent among men? Because most men forget to moisturize. And advertising doesn’t help. Skin care products for men are only recently hitting the market, while many products still target women.
But in reality, men’s and women’s skin are ...
Shaving is rough on your skin. Think about it — you’re literally scraping a blade over sensitive skin. To make matters worse, many of us are scraping this blade when we’re still half asleep or in a hurry to get out the door.
But shaving doesn’t have to wreck your skin. With these shaving tips for men, you can make razor burn disappear and walk out the door with a smooth, clean, shaven face (without even adding time to your morning routine)....
Looking for a worthwhile cause to support but not sure where to start? November offers you a unique opportunity: raise cancer awareness, donate your typical shaving expenses to cancer research, and revitalize your skin all at the same time. Of course, providing your skin with some much needed relief is just bonus, but here’s how it helps.
The Not-So-Clean Shaven Face
A clean shaven face may seem more hygienic than a beard, but two primary problems of...
Going bald, partially or completely, has long been an inescapable effect of the aging process for men.
Male pattern hair loss is the thinning of hair at the crown of the scalp, in the temple areas on each side of the head. When those two areas begin to merge, men begin to lose the hair on the top of their head.
In many cases men will develop that ring of hair with a bald spot in the middle. Of course, male pattern hair loss can vary quite a bit and pro...
When we think of skin care, the first images that pop into our heads often involve supermodels and Hollywood divas pitching lotions and creams on TV and in magazine ads: “Hey, if you use Lotion X, you’ll look like your favorite celebrity!”
The accuracy of the claims made in those ads is a topic for another day, but we bring this up because the skin care conversation typically only revolves around women. But it shouldn’t.
The 10 Millionth Way Me...