ED & C stands for electrodesiccation and curettage. This procedure is also known as curettage and electrodesiccation (C & E).
ED & C is a method for treating certain types of skin cancer (including basal cell carcinoma and superficial squamous cell carcinoma) through a series of scraping and cauterizing techniques. When used on the right types of skin cancer, it is highly effective in completely removing cancerous skin cells and preventing ...
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Precancerous Lesions
A skin spot referred to as a “precancerous lesion” is usually a specific sun-induced growth called actinic keratosis. It’s one of the most common issues we see in dermatology, and it’s what prompts most patients to schedule their dermatologist visits to start with.
After years of exposure to UV rays, either from the sun or tanning beds, areas with the most damage start to turn into rough, dry, scaly patches. The patches then develop into thick ...
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Read moreabout Precancerous Lesions
A skin excision is a surgery where we cut out damaged skin tissue. It is a full thickness removal — meaning we remove all layers of the tissue (epidermis, dermis, and into the subcutaneous fat layer). We then suture it back together with stitches for optimal healing.
What Types of Skin Problems Require an Excision?
Excisions can be done on malignant tumors or benign lesions.
For example, we can excise a benign sebaceous cyst that may be painful, enl...
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Mohs Surgery
Mohs surgery is considered the gold standard for removal of many types of skin cancer.
What is Mohs Surgery?
This method spares the most amount of normal tissue and has the highest cure rates for many non-melanoma and melanoma skin cancers. It’s the standard of care in non-melanoma skin cancers and is commonly used in the treatment of some melanomas.
It is minimally invasive and leaves patients highly satisfied with their cosmetic outcome. The proced...
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Skincare Products
Skincare Products
Lip balm is perfect for cold sores, herpes, acne, psoriasis and patients currently taking Accutane, Amnesteen or Soriatane. It’s also great for dry, sore or chapped lips caused by exposure to the sun, wind, cold weather or a reaction from cosmetics.
Additional Skincare Products Resources
Which Facial Cleanser Should You Be Using?
Do Anti-Aging Products Really Work?
Best Skin Care Products for Winter
Moisturizer vs Loti...
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What is a Wart?
Warts are non-cancerous skin growths that appear when a virus infects the top layer of skin. Although they aren’t dangerous, they are contagious.
What Causes Warts?
A common thick, benign growth with a rough surface, warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). It’s spread by direct or indirect contact, or by touching other people or surfaces.
Many adults’ immune systems recognize this virus when they are exposed to it...
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Read moreabout Warts
Mole Removal
Moles are the most common skin growth and there are several reasons to have them removed or checked. Moles that appear to be changing or any new moles after age 30 should be checked by our team. If they have atypical features, they are shaved flat and sent in for biopsy.
Normal moles may also need to be removed if they become itchy or painful, if they rub on clothing, jewelry or a hair brush. Moles may be removed for cosmetic reasons at a patient’s...
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Read moreabout Mole Removal
What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is an inflammation in the skin that is driven by the body’s own immune system. The inflammation in the skin causes the skin and creates red, itchy, and scaly lesions mainly around the elbows, knees and scalp. The chronic condition can appear as early as childhood. While it’s not contagious, psoriasis is a condition that is important to seek the help of a dermatologist.
What Are the Symptoms of Psoriasis?
Psoriasis t...
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Read moreabout Psoriasis
What Is Rosacea?
Rosacea is a common inflammatory condition that causes redness and acne type lesions and an overall “flushed appearance”. It usually presents itself on the cheeks and nose, and sometimes on the forehead and chin.
Rosacea is a tricky condition to diagnose because it looks like other skin issues. It masquerades as a ruddy complexion, acne, or even post-workout redness. A dermatologist looks for specific criteria when it comes...
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Read moreabout Rosacea
Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) Causes
Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a dry, itchy and scaly red rash that affects 30 million American adults and children. Eczema is sometimes known as the itch that rashes because the itch often precedes the rash on the skin. The early forms of the condition typically presents in children before the age of 3, but eczema can continue through adolescence and into adulthood.
Typically one must be born with the genes that ...
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Read moreabout Eczema