We’ve all heard that melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer, but it bears repeating. This year alone, nearly 10,000 people have died because of it. Despite its prevalence, some of us tend to slough off obvious skin cancer symptoms. However, these lesser known skin cancer facts can save your life by signaling cancer early enough for treatment.
1. Skin Cancer Can Look Like Anything
If you have an unknown bump on your skin, it could be cancer. Mo...
You just found out you have skin cancer. …Now what?
Take some comfort in knowing it’s not just you. In fact, over the course of a lifetime, one in five Americans develop skin cancer. In the U.S. alone, 5 million people seek skin cancer treatment annually. As it compares to other cancers, more new cases of skin cancer arise each year than breast, prostate, lung, and colon cancer instances combined.
But despite these overwhelming facts, you ha...
Have you ever heard that getting a base tan is a safer way get darker skin? It’s a common myth, but far from the truth!
The CDC just released a great infographic showing some of the common myths about tanning and skin cancer. Check out the infographic below and be sure to let us know which fact surprised you most.
The Truth About Tanning
Your natural skin color is great the way it is! Every time you tan, you increase your risk of melanoma.
Summertime sunshine. Kids create some of their happiest memories during the summer months, but time in the sun needs to be protected. Sunburns result in serious long-term consequences for children, and several easy steps can help protect your children while they continue to make memories.
Can Sun Damage a Kid’s Skin?
In a word: Yes. In fact, it’s the childhood sunburns that end up resulting in skin cancer as an adult. The burn may come and go now, ...
More than 2 million Americans are diagnosed with some form of skin cancer each year. However, when detected early, skin cancer can almost always be removed and cured.
All adults, even those who have never had the slightest skin issue, should be vigilant about regular self-exams on a monthly basis. Check every inch of your body – front, back, arms, legs, hands, feet, head and neck – and use a mirror when necessary.
Related: How to Spot Skin Cancer
Skin cancer doesn’t discriminate. Anyone can get skin cancer, whether young or old, fair or dark, and it’s the most common type of cancer in the United States. Each year, more new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed than cancers of the breast, prostate, lung and colon combined.
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, one in five Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetime. Fortunately, skin cancer is highly curable w...
Most of the misconceptions about tanning involve a lack of understanding about what is happening when the body tans.
The truth is, tanning is a reaction to skin damage.
When the sun’s energy hits the DNA in your skin cells, it causes damage and triggers a chain of events. The DNA will try to repair itself, and it’s often successful. As part of that repair process, the body’s pigmenting cells produce more pigments. These pigments are then pushed o...
This eye-opening video was one of the top trending videos last week. It shows the shocking damage the sun does to your skin — without you even knowing.
Take a look at the video, and then check out our Sunscreen Guide to ensure you’re protecting your skin properly each day!…
Read moreabout How Much Unseen Skin Damage Does The Sun Cause? {VIDEO}
R. Todd Plott, MDDr. R. Todd Plott is a board-certified dermatologist in Coppell, Keller...
As you prepare to send your kids back to school, you probably tend to focus on clothes, shoes and a fresh haircut. After all, that’s what the kids care about, right?
However, a major part of back-to-school preparation needs to be sunscreen, especially if your son or daughter participates in outdoor activities like football, soccer, cheerleading and the marching band. These squads typically spend several hours each day in the sweltering Texas sun, so ...