Sweating can be embarrassing. And if you suffer from excessive sweating, it seems to happen at the worst times. Just as you start thinking, “I hope I don’t start sweating!”, it’s like a mechanism in your body switches on and you start sweating
for no reason.
So how do you know if you’re dealing with a medical condition or just suffering from a typical Dallas summer? Texas heat is no joke!
Is My Sweating Normal?
If you’re sweat...
People consider mole removal for a variety of reasons. Maybe their mole hurts or they’re afraid it’s something more serious. Maybe they feel like people stare at it or it’s just in a weird or uncomfortable place.
Any type of mole in any place can grow into a concern. But all moles can be removed. And, depending on the size, place, and reason for removal, it may cost less than you think.
When Should You Have A Mole Removed?
Medically, t...
Laser light treatment is a flash, similar to a camera flash. The frequency of that light is best absorbed by the dark pigmented spots in the skin. The surrounding light skin, which is not pigmented, does not pick up that light very well, so the dark pigmented cells absorb virtually all of the light’s energy and simply peel off after a few days.
The laser treatment itself takes approximately 30-minutes and is mildly uncomfortable. The sensation you fe...
Does your skin change with the seasons? As the weather changes, our skin often experiences some irritations as it tries to adjust. We produce more oil, react differently to products, and often see flare-ups of conditions we’ve had before. So, if you’re noticing some red, itchy patches of skin this time of year (that you maybe noticed in the spring too), you could be dealing with seborrhea.
What is Seborrhea?
Seborrhea comes from a yeast tha...
Back in the age of fairy tales, people blamed warts on frogs and witches. After all, both frogs and witches have warts, so wouldn’t they spread them to anyone they touched?
Turns out the logic of fairy tales wasn’t too far off. Warts are simple: people get them from touching other people with warts.
These non-cancerous skin growths appear when a virus infects the top layer of skin. And although they aren’t dangerous, they are contagious. If you g...
Dealing with melasma is tough. This hormone-related pigmentation on your forehead, cheeks, and chin is cosmetically frustrating, and stays the course. These areas don’t get blotchy as they darken, but they look different than the rest of your skin tone. Plus, they’re hard to cover up with makeup and can be distracting.
The Trigger
Typically, women notice the onset of melasma with a change in hormones. Birth control, pregnancy, or hormone treatment...
Have you ever seen someone with undeniably great skin? Maybe you’ve even thought, “I wish I was lucky enough to have such a flawless complexion.” Although heredity certainly plays a role in skin condition, great skin takes diligence and discipline. And even a few bad habits can keep that beautiful complexion out of reach.
1. Obesity
We often hear about obesity leading to heart disease, but we sometimes forget that it also negatively affects our ...
You’re enjoying the outdoors and staying in the water (because we all know that’s the only way to stay cool in the summer heat!) but before you know it, you’ve burned.
Maybe you missed an area when you applied your sunscreen. Maybe you didn’t reapply like you know you should. Or perhaps you forgot sun protection altogether. No matter the reason you’re sporting a sunburn, the right treatment can relieve your discomfort and even reverse some ...
We’re all guilty of checking WebMD for our symptoms, but that can quickly lead to trouble. Most of us botch our diagnosis, either thinking we’re doomed or dismissing the issue as less significant than it is.
Other times we brush off obvious symptoms entirely. When we hear about skin cancer, we think, “It’s never going to happen to me!” And although it’s true we shouldn’t always jump to the worst conclusion, we need to be aware eno...
Have you ever seen a dark, patchy area on a person’s forehead or cheeks? Or maybe you’ve experienced it yourself? If so, you’re most likely looking at melasma, a relatively common skin condition.
Melasma causes hyper-pigmented patches of skin. These patches usually appear on the face and seem to come from nowhere. Even though melasma isn’t painful or uncomfortable, it’s a source of cosmetic frustration. Fortunately, with intentionality a...