Epiphany Dermatology of Marengo, IA
Meet Your Providers (some providers may service multiple locations)
Epiphany Dermatology of Marengo has built a reputation over the years based on reliable customer service and quality skin and hair loss treatments.
Dr. Wollner, our double board-certified dermatologist is committed to serving Marengo, Iowa by providing personalized and exceptional care.
We treat skin conditions of all types by providing general dermatology and skin cancer treatments. We specialize in general skin exams, skin cancer evaluation/removals, acne, rashes, precancer treatment, and psoriasis.
We are located inside the Compass Memorial Healthcare building (formerly Marengo Memorial Hospital). We serve the Marengo community and surrounding areas.
Featured Services

Skin Care Screenings
Skin cancer doesn’t discriminate. Anyone can get skin cancer, whether young or old, fair or dark, and it’s the most common type of cancer in the United States. Most people should have a professional skin examination once a year.

Acne Treatment
Acne can have a big impact on your life, which is why we take acne treatment very seriously and use aggressive treatment plans when necessary. Our staff is passionate about treating acne to prevent the emotional and physical scars that can last a lifetime.

Pre-Cancerous Lesions
A skin spot referred to as a “precancerous lesion” is usually a specific sun-induced growth called actinic keratosis. It’s one of the most common issues we see in dermatology, and it’s what prompts most patients to schedule their dermatologist visits.

Psoriasis is an inflammation in the skin driven by the body’s own immune system. The inflammation in the skin causes red, itchy, and scaly lesions mainly around elbows, knees and scalp. While not contagious, it’s important to seek the help of a dermatologist.

Warts are non-cancerous skin growths that appear when a virus infects the top layer of skin. Although they aren’t dangerous, they are contagious. As with any noticeable change in your skin, it’s best to consult our team, so we can provide treatment options.

Dry Skin
Dry skin is a very common, benign condition of the skin. Occasionally dry skin can progress to inflammation of the skin (dermatitis). In this case, you may want to visit your dermatologist to discuss treatments that can help improve your symptoms.

A biopsy is the removal of a piece of skin to help render a diagnosis of skin cancers or inflammatory conditions. Dermatologists biopsy an area to confirm a diagnosis that cannot be rendered with the eyes alone. We need a microscope to be certain.

Fungal Infections
Epiphany Dermatology treats fungal infections of the skin, as well as fungal infections in hair and nails. Often, these infections appear as itchy, scaley, rashes on the skin. We can typically diagnose fungal infections immediately by their characteristic appearance.

Cosmetic Lesion Removal
We offer cosmetic lesion removal of benign skin growths that may include seborrheic keratoses, sebaceous hyperplasia (overgrown oil glands), skin tags, or milia. These procedures may be performed by a board-certified dermatologist, trained medical staff, or a licensed aesthetician.