RejuvaPen is a micro-needling system that uses a specialized “pen” containing a cartridge with nine small needles. But don’t let that scare you! These are extremely small micro-needles that lead to great results.
RejuvaPen is used to treat scarring, especially scarring caused by acne. Traditionally, this type of scarring has been very difficult to treat. The RujuvaPen needles are used to break up the tethering in the scar, which results in less indentation and greater smoothness on the surface.
Essentially, RejuvaPen stimulates the body’s natural healing powers and gives the scar a second chance to repair itself – without surgery or lasers.
Should I Use RejuvaPen?
RejuvaPen is most commonly used in our practice to treat acne scarring, but it can be used for many different types of scarring on other parts of the body. For example, stretch marks, which are a type of scar, can be treated with RejuvaPen. We’ve also begun using RejuvaPen for melasma, which can’t be treated with lasers.
It’s important to realize that these scars are permanent and won’t completely disappear. However, we can definitely use RejuvaPen to improve their appearance.
What Should I Expect?
During the session, RejuvaPen is uncomfortable. We provide patients with a topical numbing cream that should be applied 20 minutes prior to the appointment.
The treatment itself feels a bit like sandpaper going over the skin. Some scarred areas can be more sensitive than other, so parts of the session will be less comfortable than others.
After the treatment, patients generally don’t feel any discomfort, although the treated area is likely to be sensitive. We instruct patients to using mild, gentle products and sunscreen after the treatment. Makeup can be applied the next day.
Patients should expect to be very red the day of and the day after a RejuvaPen treatment. We recommend scheduling two days of downtime and staying out of the sun. For example, you can schedule your appointment on Friday and use the weekend as downtime. The redness is typically gone in 48 hours.
How Long Do the Results Last?
RejuvaPen isn’t like other temporary cosmetic procedures that require maintenance. RejuvaPen is about ongoing improvement.
We recommend starting with three RejuvaPen sessions. You’re likely to see incremental improvement with each session. After completing the series, many patients continue with one or two additional sessions because they’re so happy with the results.
In other words, patients don’t come back because of a regression. They come back because they see the improvement and want to continue the progress.
Ready for more information about RejuvaPen and reducing the appearance of scars? Contact us to schedule a consultation!
Additional RejuvaPen Resources

Dr. R. Todd Plott is a board-certified dermatologist in Coppell, Keller, and Saginaw, TX. His specialization and professional interests include treating patients suffering with acne, identifying and solving complex skin conditions such as psoriasis, rosacea, atopic dermatitis, and identifying and treating all types of skin cancers. In his spare time, Dr. Plott enjoys cycling, traveling with his wife, and spending time with his children and new grandson.
Learn more about Dr. Plott.